EMPOWER one child or a group of children! Empowerment Parenting provides parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches and educators the tools to help youth become centered, responsible and self-aware. Young people recognize the power of bullies and abusers. However, they need to know how to discover their inner power to handle the slings and arrows of life.
My First Steps To A Safe Neighborhood
Safe Kids Now in partnership with the CARR Foundation created a booklet for police, health care providers, insurance agents, business owners, etc. They can put in their pocket and hand out to citizens or distribute at their place of business to get neighbors involved to prevent crime. If a victim, the booklet can help neighbors come together to keep criminals from returning to the neighborhood.
Easy for people to say, “NO MORE CRIME in our neighborhood!”
The Adopt-A-Block Guidebook
Anyone who cares can help make their city a safer, healthier place for families and children! CONNECTED CITIZENS can PREVENT CRIME! The Adopt-A-Block Guidebook sends a message that we care about you, your family and children. When people get connected, they can reduce fear, instill hope and build relationships and trust. A civic group, individuals, or religious organizations can help any community stay safe by helping to create a healthy environment for everyone.
“I would like to express my gratitude for the adopt-a-block strategy you promote. Your work has been a great foundation for the efforts we have begun here. It is one piece to this puzzle, and it serves as a tool for progress. Now my task at hand is to get the job done.” Michael O. Adekunle – Pinellas County Urban League, St. Petersburg, FL
“Here at last is a down to earth, do it yourself guide to community organizing. The instructions are simple but powerfully effective and accessible to all communities.” Dr. Kimberly Duir – Family & Community Medicine – University of California, SF & UC Davis
Alternative to Fear
How one community with 17,500 residents cut crime in half within 2 and a half years, without a local police department. This book helped launch the national “Neighborhood Watch” program. “Alternative to Fear” was funded by The California Department of Youth and distributed in California and throughout the U.S. to thousands of police departments, libraries and the FBI. Published Feb. 1975
Street Safe Kids
10 step guide to help youth take charge of your life and stay centered. Centered children DON’T bully or become easy victims – They use their instincts, intuition and conscience to stay safe and healthy – They have the inner strength to avoid drugs, violence, self-destructive behavior – YOU can help one child or a group of children discover the power of courage, character, and conscience!