The “Greatest Generation” began in 1901. The “Silent Generation” started in the 1920s to the ’30s, and after World War 11 came the “Baby Boomers.” From 1965 through the 1980s, the “Gen X Generation” grew. The “Millennials” are the children of baby boomers, which ended in 2004.
Today we have the “Jackass Generation,” which split away from mainstream Americans. These people with inflated egos blame others, have all the answers, and don’t listen to other points of view. Younger people lack a conscience as they loot, steal, shoot other people and commit criminal acts of violence against anyone who happens to be in their way. The Jackass generation includes politicians and leaders who reject consequences for evil behavior.
What can ordinary people do about the Jackass Generation?
- We can no longer sit back and wonder, “What happened?” We must be involved! Nothing changes if we allow the Jackass politicians to take away our freedoms. All generations must vote out leaders who blame the police and racism as they allow chaos in cities.
- Schools have Jackass leaders. Parents must find out what’s going on in classrooms! Insist that teachers teach a robust curriculum that includes reading, writing, history, and math. Our schools must focus on academics, not social changes in society.
- We have a generation of Jackass youth who lack any spiritual understanding of self. They are not centered, and they lie and bully others. Undisciplined youth don’t listen to or respect those who disagree. They never listen to the older generation, who gained wisdom and common sense over a lifetime. The breakdown of the family has contributed to community chaos.
We need to start a media conversation on how to strengthen and support American families and neighbors with limited involvement of the police. Community responsibility for neighborhood safety can dramatically reduce crime, drugs, and violence and build trust as neighbors work together to keep families and children safe. Neighborhood involvement exposes crime, agency, and police corruption.
“We the people” need to stop assuming that politicians and taxpayers’ money can save us. In a democracy, involved citizens create positive change in our communities. The limited job of politicians is to write and pass laws, as they spend taxpayers’ money which often leads to corruption.
“Integrity, transparency, and the fight against corruption have to be part of the culture. They have to be thought of as fundamental values.“
Angel Gurria, OECD Secretary-General of Transparency International.
Bureaucrats seek to divide and control people’s behavior. They use “Woke” intimidation to reduce freedom of speech and downplay the role of religion because people of faith don’t trust big government. When we trust our “higher power,” we can discover our inner ability to find solutions. That was the success of the “Greatest Generation” during World War 11!
The Jackass Generation is wagging the donkey. The question is, What are “we the people” willing to do to stop power-hungry politicians from assuming control over freedom-loving Americans?
Stephanie L. Mann, Crime and Violence Prevention Consultant
Author of five books on the home, family, neighborhood, and community safety
Safe Kids Now
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.